About us!

About us

Hello hello!
Welcome to my biz which I love so very dearly! I'm Grace. I started Little Wriggles in 2020 after graduating with a bachelor of Occupational Therapy. I have an enormous passion for helping kids and making the world more accessible and accepting of people with disabilities. I'm incredibility interested in sensory processing and how sensory tools and play can be so beneficial for everyone, but particularly for kids with autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder. Due to some chronic health issues I am facing, I wanted a way to be able to help kiddos, but in a flexible way that worked for me, so that is how Little Wriggles came to be, and its the best thing I have ever done! I have loved showing my creative side, seeing so many smiling kids, and have gotten to know so many of my beautiful customers along the way. 

About our kits

I wanted to create high quality, engaging kits with LOTS of little things and textures to explore. I wanted to create something that would last, be played with over and over ( the beauty of open ended play!)  and not just end up in landfill. I also wanted to create lots of different themes to suit lots of the interests kiddos might have (customs always available If I've left any out!)  I've been so excited and happy to see so many kids enjoying the benefits of sensory play with our kits at home, in OT and speech therapy, and in schools, daycares and kindy! If you've purchased our kits, I would LOVE to hear how they went!

Why is sensory play so amazing!?

Where do I start!?

-It is calming, stress relieving and can assist in self-regulation.

-Promotes development of fine motor skills, important for SO many things in life from getting dressed, to writing and playing instruments.

-Facilitates open-ended play, problem solving skills, imagination, creativity, indepependance and learning.

- It strengthens neural connections in the brain, so combining with learning is so beneficial!

-Promotes speech and language development

-Providng the sensory input a child is seeking can help them with focusing on tasks/school and behaviour and emotions

-You can even use sensory play to help with picky eating, slowly reducing sensory sensitivities and developing social skills!